List of Tamil words in Urdu language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Urdu language
DR.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD;DPM;
Urdu is an Indo-Aryan language spoken chiefly in South Asia. It is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan, where it is also an official language alongside English. In India, Urdu is an Eighth Schedule language whose status and cultural heritage is recognized by the Constitution of India; it also has an official status in several Indian states. In Nepal, Urdu is a registered regional dialect.
The Urdu language has been described as a Persianized register of the Hindustani language; Urdu and Hindi share a common Sanskrit- and Prakrit-derived vocabulary base, phonology, syntax, and grammar, making them mutually intelligible during colloquial communication. While formal Urdu draws literary, political, and technical vocabulary from Persian, formal Hindi draws these aspects from Sanskrit; consequently, the two languages' mutual intelligibility effectively decreases as the factor of formality increases.
In 1837, the British East India Company chose Urdu as the language to replace Persian across northern India during Company rule; Persian had until this point served as the court language of various Indo-Islamic empires Religious, social, and political factors arose during the European colonial period that advocated a distinction between Urdu and Hindi, leading to the Hindi–Urdu controversy. Urdu became a literary language in the 18th century and two similar standard forms came into existence in Delhi and Lucknow. Since the partition of India in 1947, a third standard has arisen in the Pakistani city of Karachi. Deccani, an older form used in southern India, became a court language of the Deccan sultanates by the 16th century.
According to 2018 estimates by Ethnologue, Urdu is the 10th-most widely spoken language in the world, with 230 million total speakers, including those who speak it as a second language.
The name Urdu was first used by the poet Ghulam Hamadani Mushafi around 1780 for Hindustani language. Ordu means army in the Turkic. In late 18th century, it was known as Zaban-e-Urdu means language of camp. Earlier it was known as Hindvi, Hindi and Hindustani.
Urdu, like Hindi, is a form of Hindustani. Some linguists have suggested that the earliest forms of Urdu evolved from the medieval (6th to 13th century) Apabhra?sa register of the preceding Shauraseni language, a Middle Indo-Aryan language that is also the ancestor of other modern Indo-Aryan languages.[

Clues to read Urdu words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Urdu word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; Ferozsons Urdu English dictionary
English- Urdu- Tamil
1.language- Urdu –uraiyaadu/ converse/speak
2.the standard Urdu language spoken in Delhi fort at the time of during the time of the last emperor Bhadurshah Zafar -Urdue mualla- uraidaum mozhi ; uraiyaadu- converse; mozhi- language.
*3. village site- abadi – patti
*4. fathers- aba- appa/father
5.fame- abru- perumai
*6. honour- abru- perumai atish- thee
8.elder sister- apa- paappa
9.spark- atis parah- thee pori; thee- fire; pori- sparkle. temple- atis kadah- thee koattam ; the- fire; koattam- temple .
11.flour- ata- idiththa maa; maa- flour; idi- pound; idiththa- pounded.
*12. food- ata- theettai ; uootti .
13.teacher- akun – kanakkaayan ; kanakkan .
14.half- adhi – paathi
*15.a saw- ara- aram ; ari .
*16. a covering- ar-urai
17.blessing- ashir bad -seerum sirppaodum iru ; letters are read more than once; seer- riches; sirappu- super. approach- aga ana- anuka ; letters are in reversed order.
*19. mango- am- maa
20.ruler-amir- mannar / king
21.eye- ankh-kann; letters are in reversed order. evaluate /estimate- ankna –kanikkanum ; letters are jumbled; kani / evaluate . be blind- ankh putna- pottai yaana kann ; letters are jumbled; kann- eye; pottai- blind.
*24. voice/ noise - awaz-vaai voasai ; vaai- mouth; voasai- sound.
*25. nurse- aya- aaya/ mother/ grandmother
* ab-eppo
27.eternity- abad- eppothum
28.production of something new- ibda- padai/ create/ produce
*29. holy men/ saints- abrar- periyoar
30.son- ibn- paiyan ;aan.
31.verses- abyat- paattu /song
*32. wharf- utara –thurai/ ford
33.first- uttam- mutha; letters are in reversed order. hesitate- atakna- thayankka;letters are jumbled;thayankkanum . stop/ to be prevented – atakna- thadukkanum
* detain- atakna- adaikkanum
*37. prevention- atkao- thadukka
*38. detention- atkao /atak- adaikka
39.completion- itmam- mudiya; letters are in reversed order.
40.this much- itna-iththanai ; how much; eththanai
so much- itna- aththanai lift- uthana- yaeththu; yaeththanum.
* hoist- uthana – yaeththanum
43.light- ujla- oli ahad- oththai /single
45.unity- ahad- oththumai
*46. castrated- akhtah- kai adi; kaai-testicle;adiththidu/ beaten.
47.control- ikhtiyar –adakkuthar; letters are jumbled.
*48. death – irthal –eraththal ; eruththal/ to be alive.
*49. imprisonment- asiri – sirai /prison
*50. protest/ opposition – itiraz- ethirththar; letters are read more than once.
* give- ita- thaa
52.crowded /assembled- ikattha- koodu/ to assemble
* 53. together- ikattha –koodi; koottaa .
*54. in a lump- ikattha- katti yaa
*55. otherwise-illa- illai yael
56.mother- umm /ammi -amma
57.etymology- ummul ulum- mozhi moolam ; mozhi- word/ language; moolam- root.
58.mother- amman-amman/ mother goddess
*59. support- imdad- muttu ;muttu thaa /to support .
60.immortal- amar- maraiyaama ; maraiya /to vanish .
*61. food- ann – uoon
62.ego/ self- ana- naan
*63.wet nurse- ana- annai/ mother
64.ball- anta –panthu
65.body- andam –pandam
66.thinking- andesh –ennidu ins- aan / male
*68. long coat-ang- ankki; root word is anika- to wear.
* auj- uchchi ula- nalla
*71.cow herd- ahir- aayar
*73. wine/ spirits- badh- pattai/ toddy
*74. pregnancy- bar –paeru
75.pot- basan- paanai
*76. a child- bala- pillai
77.a small girl- bali- penn pillai ; penn- female; pillai- child.
78.daughter- bitiya-peththa ponnu; peththa- begot; pennu /female. fasten- bandana- pinaiththidanum
* fetter- bandana- pinaiththidanum
*81. dress- bana- punai; root word is punaiya- to wear.
*82. lady- bano –penn
*83. outside- bahir- puram
*84. oceans- buhr / bahr –paari; parappu.
*85. curse- bad dua- paadu
*86. novel- badi- puthiyathu old woman- buddhi- paatti / grandmaa
*88. a gift/ boon- birr[A] –paeru
*89. world- baraya- paar
*90. profit- burd- paeru adaiya; paeru- benefit; adaiya- to have.
*91. prosperity [A] -barakat – perukida
*92. large/ big- bara –periya
*93. elder- bara –periyoar
*94. greatness - bara- periya
95.fried- biryan- pori /fry
*96. praise- barai-paer
*97. increase/ enlargement- barhao - perukka ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
98.bedding- bisat- paai idu.
99.bedding- bistar- paai iduthar; paai- mat; iduthar- make.
100.village- basti- patti
101.later- bad- pinnaadi
102.armpit- bagal- kai kuzhi; akkul ; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit.
103.he goat-bakra- karumai / goat
*104.hole- bil- puzhai
105.maturity- balaghat- aalaakida / to becoame a person; aal- person; aakida/ to become.
* make- banana- pannu
107.a kind of knitting- bunavat- pinnum vitham ; vitham- a kind.
*108.knit- bunno- pinnu
* cause to be knitted- bunwana- pinna vaenum
* be prepared/ cooked- bunno -pannu
111.artificial- bunavat- punainthathu
*112.decoration- bunao- punaivu ; punaiya- to decorate.
*113.dressing- bunao- punaiya
*114.tied/ bound- band- pinaiththidu /to bind
115.braided hair- bindi- pinniya mudi ; pinniya- plaited; mudi- hair.
116.female slave- bandi- penn adimai ;penn- female; adimai- slave.
*117.act of binding- bandhai- pinaiththidu
118.bride- bani- mana penn ; manam- marriage; penn- girl.
119.vest/ undergarment -banyan root word is - punaiya /to wear; punai- cloth.
*120.herbs/roots - buti –poodu
121.old man- burha- periyoan ; periyoar.
122.greens- bhaji- pachchai/ green
123.large earthen pot- bhanda- mat- paandam ; mat- clay; paandam- vessel.
124.travelling allowance- bhatta- payana padi ; payanam- travel. oven- bhatta- aduppu; letters are in reversed order.
*126.eating- bhoj- pusi
127.hunger- bhuk – pasikka
128.fault less- be khata-kuththam kidaiyaa ; kuththam- fault; kidaiyaa- without ;letters are read more than once.
129.flat- baithwan- pattai yaana
*130.suddenly- baith –patt nnu
*131.a lesson- pat- paadam
*132.reading- pat- padi; root word is oaathu /recite
133.recital of scared [D1] books- pat- paadu/ sing; oaathu /recite.
134.worship- pat- paadu; thuthi ; oaathu .
*135.fart- pat- poaeida / passed
*136.the other side – par- app puram
137.five- panch- anchu
* pani- punai
139. bile- pit- piththam
*140.coarse cloth- path; pattu; puttam; padaam.
*141.rump- puttha- puttam; root word is pudaiththa/ bulging.
*142.head man of a village- patel- pattai thalai ; patti- village; thalai- head.
*143.a strip of cloth- patti – patti
144.cooked- pukhtah- aakkidu
145.glory- pratab- paeru udaiya / with good name; payar- name.
146.generosity- pratab- perum thanmai
147.great grandfather [ paternal]- par dada- periya thaaththaa/ great grandfather; periya- big/ great; thaathaa- grandfather.
150.foreign country-pardesh-pura thinai ; thinai- land; puram- foreign.
*151.inspection/test-parakh-paarkka test-parkhna-paarkkanum
153.subdivision of a district- parganah- perum akani ; perum- big ;akani- inland .
*154.destruction of the whole world- parla- periya uoozhi
155.maternal great grandmother- parnani –periya naani / great grandmother; annai- mother; naani- annai yin annai / mother of mother; periya- great.
*156.flying/ bird- parind- paranthida/ flown
*157.beyond- pare- appaar prem- eeram ; perum eeram; periya- big.
159. share- parta- priththu thaa /to share
160. ripeness- paki- kaniya ripen- pakna- kaniya cause to be cooked- pakwana- aakka vaenum
163.shout/cry- pakar-karaiya
164.bridge- pul- paalam
*165.polluted- palid –puzhuthi adaiya /to get polluted or silver leaf- panna- pon pannam ; pon- gold; pannam- leaf.
167.a canopy under which a meeting is held -pindal- -panthal
168.a book- pothi- yaedu ; paada yaedu .
*169.a bundle- pot- pothi
170.stomach- pot- poththu ; soththu pai / rice bag .
*171.a hill- pahari –porai
172.torn- pata- pinjida ; peiththidu / to tear .
173.broken- pata- pottida ; udaiya.
* winnow- phatakna- pudaikkanum keep a watch- pahra dena-paarththidanum
176.agitation- pharpharahat-para parappu adaiya
*177.a pimple- phurya-paru
*178.fruit- phal- pazham
179.profit- phal- palan dress- pahnawa-punai; punaiya vaenum /to dress.
* cloth/ to put on- pahnana- punaiya num
182.a small boil- phunsi- punn/ sore
*183.brass-pital- piththalai
184.belt -peti –iduppu pattai; letters are jumbled; iduppu- hip; pattai- strip.
* peti – petti
186.infantry- paidal –padai aal ; padai- army; aal- person .
*187.produce- paida- padai
*188.profit- paida- payan adaiya ; payan- benefit; adaiya- to have.
* old man/ saint- pir- periyaar
*190.attack- takht –thaakkidu tara- thee uru/ fire form; thee- fire; uru- form.
192.pond- tal-thollam ; yaenthal .
193.musical tune/ beating- tal- adiththal/ beating; thaalam.
*194.a lock- tala- thaal
195.whole- tam- moththamum ; letters are in reversed order.
*196.clapping- tali- adiththal ; thattuthal .
197.tune- tan- thoni
198.aunt/ paternal - tai aththai/ maternal
* – turab- tharai
200.scale/ balance -tarazu – root word is edai iduthar /to weigh; edai- weight; iduthar- to make.
201.stitching- turpai- theiyar
202.wife/ woman- triya- thaaram
203.appointing- taiyun- idanum / to appoint
204.spittle/ curse- tuf- thuppu/ to spit.
205. dropping continuously/distilling drop by drop - taqatur- sottu sottaa kottuthar ; sottu -drop; kottuthal- dropping .
* gaze- takna- uththu kaana ; kaana- look.
*207.running- tag- oaaduka/ to run
*208.bottom- tala- adiyil
*209. like/ similar- tul- oththu ulla talashi –thaedal
211.sole of the foot -tale - adi thole; letters are read more than once; adi- foot; thole- skin.
212.end- tamam- mudiya/ to end; letters are in reversed order. stretch – tanna- neettu; letters are in reversed order.
*214. alone- tanha- thaniyaa
*215.that- to- athu
*216.parrot- tota- thaththai
*217.break- tor- udaithar
*218.weighing- tol- edai iduthal ; edai- weight.
*219.towel- taulia- thuyil
*220.layer- tah- yaedu beat- tapna- thappunum
222.a slap- thappar- thapputhar
223.putting off- tala- thalli iduthal; letters are read more than once. hang up- tangna- thonkkanum
*225.a framework of bamboo/ screen- tatti- thatti
*226.touching- totol- thoduthal
* tatol- thaedal
* toh- thaedu
229.ringing of the bell- tan tan- taan taan stay- takna- thankku; letters are jumbled. be stitched- takna- theikkanum
232.breaking -tut- udainthida
*233.prevention-tok- thadukka /to prevent
*234.a kick- thudda- uthaiththidu
*235.chin- thuddi- thaadai work- tahal- thozhil
*237.water pot- thilya- thaazhi
*238.stump- thand- thandu chill- thand- thanuppu udaiya ;thanuppu- chillness; udaiya- has.
*240.a push- thela- thallu ;idiththal.
241.knock- thes- thattu
242.a push- thes- idi
*243.throat- tentua- thondai
* estate - jaedad- soththu
*245.matted hair- jata- sadai
246.fighting- jadal- adal ;aduthal.
247.body- jasad- sattai
*248.metal water pot- jambu – sompu /copper vessel; sempu- copper.
*249.paradise- jannat- saenn naadu Jannat- poondi
*251.addition- jor- saeru /add mate- jorna- saeranum
253.a jerk/ a shake/ violent pull – jhatka- sodukka/ thudikka
*254.downpour-jhar- soriya stoop- jhukana- kuniya
* earthen vessel for churning- chati- satti go- chalna- cellanum
*258.quickly- chat pat- sattu puttu nnu
*259.the sound of crackling of the burning body- chat chat – sada sada
*260.a note- chitthi –seettu
261.thought- chinta- ennida /to think
*262.very small- chunya- sinna
263.damage- chot- saetham
264.lime- chuna- sunnam ; sunnaampu .
*265.the garment worn by the bride – chola- selai /saree/ cloth
266.imprisonment- hazirat- sirai idu; sirai/ prison.
267.hard stone- khara- kar /stone
268.finishing- khatim- mudikka ; letters are in reversed order.
269.consideration- katir dari-karuthidathar ; letters are jumbled.
*270.empty- khali- kaali
*271.testicle- khutta- kottai
*272.snoring- kharata- kurattai
273.scratching- kharash – sorika; letters are in reversed order.
274.a letter-khatt-kaditham; kaththu .
*275.a line- khatt- koadu
276. lines- khutut- kodau udaiya /with lines
*277.a mistake- khata- kuththam
*278.speech- kitab- kathaippu
279.eternity- khuld- ekkaalaththum
280.mixture- khalt- kalanththathu / mixed
*281.eating- khor- kori/ gnaw
*282.a tribe- khail- kuzhu ; kulam .
*283.darkness- khirgi- karukka
*284.dark- khirah- karu
*285.grain/ corn- danah- thinai
*286.wet nurse- dai- thaai / mother; thathi.
* away- dut- oaadidu
288.door/ gate - dar- thirappu
289.writing- darj- theetuthar
290.tailor- darzi- theyiar
291.reading- dars- oaathuthar / reciting
*292.large river/sea- darya—thirai
*293.sorrow/ grief- daregh –thuyar uruka ; thuyar- grief.
295.knocking at the door- dastak-thattuka
*296.prayer- dua- thuthi ; oaathu .
*297.tambourine- daf [P] –thappu dukan- ankkaadi; letters are in reversed order.
299.display/ show- dikhai – eduththu kattu ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once ;edu- take ;kaattu- show.
300.hesitation- dugda- thayankkida
*301.thickness- dal- thadiththu ulla
*302.a broker- dallal- idai aal / middle man; idai- middle;aal- person.
*303.distant/ far - dur- ettaththir
304.sewing- doz- thei
*305.running- daur – oaaduthar
*306.assault- daur- adiththar
307.ten- deh- paththu
*308.thundering-dhar-idi idiththar;idi- a thunder; idiththar- to thunder .
*309.vice- dhat- theethu
*310.act of driving away- dhatta- oattidu
311.virtue- dharmam- naermai udaimai ; neri udaimai ; letters are jumbled; aram udaimai ; letters are jumbled; aram- virtue ; udaiya- has .
*312.body- dhar- udar
*313.push- dhakka- idikka
314.devil/demon- deo –theeyoan ;theya- bad.
315.divinity- devata- theiva thanmai ; theivam- god; thanmai- nature. stop- datna- thaduththidanum
*317.act of carrying- dhulai-eduththal
*318.body- dil- udal; thole pei / skin bag; thole- skin; pei- bag.
319.loose/ slack – dhila- thola thola
*320.night- rat- eruttu/ dark
321.government- raj- arasu
*322.king- raja- arasan
*323.shepherd- rai- aayar
324.merciful- rahim- erakkam; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
325.rejection/ opposition - radd – maruththidu / to reject
*326.soul- ruh- uyir
*327.increase- zad- yaeththu ; saeththidu /add.
*328.beating- zad- saaththu
*329.a wound- zakhm- kaayam
*330.riches- zar-seer
331.alms- zakat- kodai
332.time- zaman- mani zamin-munn
334.suddenly- zud- sutt nnu
*335.Increase/ addition- ziyadati- saeththidu
336.together- zad- saenthu
337.make- sakht- aakkidu
338.figure- sakht- koadu
*339.juice- sar- saaru perform- sadhna- seithidanum / to do
341.making-saz-sei /do
342.Infront- samne- munnae
343.road-sabil- saalai
344.flat-sapat- sappattai ; pattai .
345.hard- sakht- kadinam
346.severe- sakht- kadumai
347.distress- sakhti- kaedu obstacle- sadd-thadai
349.taste- sawad-suvaiththidu
350.grief/ sorrow- sokhti- sokaththoadu ; sokam- grief.
* sipi- sippi
352.merchant- seth – yeti;setti; saettu. sena- ani
354.clever- shatir –thiramai
355.poetry- shir – seer/ poetry metre
356.liquor- sharb- saarayam ; root word is saaru/ juice; sura .
357.rising- sharq- uyaruka
*358.poetical beauty- shiriyat- seer udaiya
359.odour-shamim- manam
* shahr-saeri shyam –mei
*362.milk- shir- saaru ; root word is sura /to secrete
363.the devil- shaitan- theeyon/ bad person; theeya- bad.
364.patient- sabir- porumai
365.arrived- sadir adaithar
366.produced- sadir- seithar
367.silent- samit- amaithi
* tila- udal
369.rising- uruj- yaera
*370.a knot-aqd- kattu
*371.marriage – aqd- kattu
*372.pillar- imad- muttu thadi / supporting pillar; thadi- wood.
*373.timber /wood – ud[A]- thadi man -ayal dari- illathhtaar ; illam udaiyaar ; illam- family ; udaiyaar- those who have .
*375.tumours/ hard lumps- ghudud- katti
376.lake/ pool – ghadir- kuttai neer ; kuttai- pond; neer- water.
*377.tumult- ghul- kalakam
* herd/ crowd- ghool –kuzhu
379.gain- faidah –payan adaiya ; payan- benefit; adaiya- to have.
*380.rupture- fatq- pottikka
*381.abundance- faraki- peruka
*382.abundance- faraghat- perukida
*383.separation- firaq-pirikai faras- pari
385.section/ division- fariq- pirivu; ka- va; va= ka
386.poverty- faqiri- kurai
*387.killing- qatil – kaathuthal
388.cutting- qati –kaathu; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
*389.drop- qatrah – kottuthar
*390.figure- qadd- koadu
391.crossing- qata- kadakka
* qatai- kadai
393.sitting- qadah-kunthu
*394.anxiety- qalaq- kalakkam
395.pen- qalam- mei kole; mei- ink; kole- stick /stylus
*396.a cap- qullah- kullaai
*397.speech- qaul- kuyil
*398.vomiting- qae- kakka/ to eject out
399.confinement- qaid- adikka /to confine; letters are in reversed order; kottadi- prison/ cell.
*400.prisoner- qaid- kaithi ; kottadai- prison .
401.restrictions- quyud- kattu paadu bite- kat kana- kadikkanum
*403.bite- kat- kadi
*404.wood- kath- kattai
*405.body- kath- kattai
*406.structure- kath- kattu
*407.crow- kag- kaakaa
*408.death- kal- kazhiya
*409.season- kal- kaalam
* kam- kammiyam; root word is aakkam / production.
* kam –kaamam eyed- kana- kann onnu ; kann- eye; onnnu- one
*413.gruel- kanji- kanji
*414.astrologer- kahin-kaniyan
*415.body- kaya- yaakkai
* kutta- kidukki
417.bitten by dog- kutte ka kata- kidukki kadikka
*418.story- katha- kathai cut- katarna- kaththari
420.dagger- katari- kuththu koadari
*421.cruel- kattar- kodumai ura
422.part of a city/ collection of few houses-katra/ katri – kudi iruppu / residential place.
*423.hut- kuti- kudi
424.cottage- kuti –kottakai
*425.difficult- kathin- kadinam
*426.earthen milk can- katya- kudam
*427.pickaxe- kudal- koadali
428.hoe- kudali – kalai koththu; letters are jumbled; koththuthal- hoeing.
*429.trouble- katt- kaedu
* kad- kudi
431.action/ deed- karm- karmam
*432.bracelet- kara- kai kaarai; kai- hand.
433.river bank- karara- karai
*434.sprout- kalla- kilai
435.conversation/ talk- kalam- mozhika /speak; letters are in reversed order.
*436.deficient- kam- kami
*437.worker- kamera- kammiyar
*438.a pool- kund- kundu kannya- kanni
*440.short- kotah- kuttai
* room- kothri- kuthir/ granary
*442.chamber- kotha- koodam
*443.castle- kot- koattai
444.fortress- kotla- koattai koththalam
445.chief police officer- kotwal- kudi kaavalan ; kudi- village; kaavalan- police.
446.chief police station- kotwali- kudi kaval koodam ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once; kudi- village/ town; kaval koodam- police station pound- kutna- kuththanum
448.jump- kud- kuthi
*449.edge/ border- kor- karai
450.womb- kor- karu pai
*451.dirt- kara- karai
*452.angle- kona- koanam
*453.weaver- koli- kai kolan ; kai- hand; kole- stick .
*454.earthen jar- kunda- kundaan / metal vessel
455.mountain- koh- kamai
*456.couch- khat- kidakkai/ cot
*457.coarse cotton cloth- khad- koadi ; koadi thuni
458.canal- khala- vaai-k-kaal - khatti – kidankku
*460.bedstead- khatola- kattil/ cot
*461.rattling sound- khatakna- - kada kada nnu
*462.carving- khudai- koththu
463.digging- khudi- konthu
*464.cavity- khadda- kudaivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*465.burst of laughter- khil khii- kala kala
466. threshing floor- kalyan- kalam
*467. defect- khot- kaedu
*468.evil- khot- ketta
469.skull/ coconut- khopri/ khopra - kopparai ; perunkkai / big coconut; letters are jumbled.
*470.cave- kho- kukai
471.field- khet- koattam
* khel – kaelal
*473. fisherman- khewat- koa vaedan
*474.penis- ker- aan kuri; aan- male; kuri- symbol kes- sikai; letters are in reversed order.
*476.abuse- gali- ikazhu
477.anus-gand –kundi oattai ; kundi- waist/ buttock; oaattai- hole.
*478.ox- gao- koa
*479.a knot/ tie- gath- kattu
* procedure- gat- kooththaadu /to dance
* join- gatna- koodanum
482.large bundle- gatthar –periya kattu ; letters are jumbled; periya- big; kattu- bundle.
* ass- gadha- kaththai
*484.bundle- gaddi- kattu
485.thick bedding- gadla- kattil/ cot
*486.grasp- girift- kayir pidi ; ka- hand; pidi-= to hold.
*487.weeping- giryah- karaiya
*488.a hole- garha- koarai
489.killer- gusil- kolai aali ; kolai- murder; aal- person.
*490.clay- gil- kali
*491.lane- gali- akalul
*492.a kind of stick play- gili- killi
*492.quality- gun- kunam
*493.counting- ginti- kaniththidu
*494.knotted string- ganda- kandu
* count- ginna- kani;ennuka ;letters are in reversed order.
*496.excrement- gu- kakka; root word is to eject out. cause to sing- gawana- akavavunum ; akavu- to sing.
*498.cowherd- gwala- koa kaavalan ; koa- cow/ ox; kaavalan- guard.
*499.caste/ tribe - gut- kudi
*500.tribe/ caste-gotar- koottaththtaar / people of the group
*501.village- gut- kudi
502.a company- gut- koottam
*503.embrace- god- katti anai
*504.present given to the bride-god- kodai/ gift
*505.a kind of bird- gorya- kuriee / house sparrow
506.globular- gol- koalam
507.confusion- gol mal- kuzhappam ulla
*508.large ball- gola- koalam
*509.swelling- gola- kazhalai
510.a pill- goli- kulikai
511.mountain pass- ghati- Kadavu; ka= va; va= ka.
*512.damages- ghata- kaedu
*513.loss- ghat- kaedu
514.wound- ghao- kaayam
*515.crowds- ghata- koottam / crowd
* be powdered- ghutna- kuththanum / to pound
*517.home- ghar- koorai akam/ hut;akam- home.
518.water pot- ghara- karakam
*519.rattling noise in the throat- gharra- kara kara
520.milk man- ghosi- koanaan
*521.a bunch- gail- kulai
* not/ without - la- illai
523.a stick- lathi- nela thadi; neelam- length; thadi- stick.
*524.stain- lakkah- azhukku /dirt
*525.night- lail- al
*526.mother- mata- moo thaai / great mother
* summit- matha- mudi
*528.front area of the house- matha- muththam
*529.mother- madar- maa thiru
*530.mother- mama- amma
531.respect- man- maanam
532.dull- mand- mantham
533.mind- mata- manathu
*534.intelligence- mat- mathi
535.earthen pot- matka-mat kudam wink- mat kana- kannai imaiththidu; kann- eye; imaiththidu- wink; letters are jumbled.
*537.fist- muth – mutti
*538.masturbation- mathola- mutti adiththal
*539.large bundle- muththa- moottai
*540.corpse- matti- mattai
*541.kiss- mitthi- muththam die- mitti uthana- madinthidu; letters are jumbled.
543.palace- mahall – maalikai
544.dead- mardah- marainthida / to disappear
*545.death- mirg- maraika / disappear; maraika= maerkku= west. die- marna- maraiyanum
*547.death- mamat- madi
* be twisted– murakna-murukkanum
* break – murakna- murikikanum
550.superior/ patron- muta- mooththoan
*551.hidden /concealed - markuz- maraikka / to conceal
* mukat- makudam
*553.wrestler- mall- mallan
554.mind- man- manam
555.the head- mand- mandai
*556.particular market for one thing - mandi –mandi
*557.a pearl-moti- muththu
*558.origin- mul- moolam;root word is mulai .
559.great / very/ extremely – maha- mikai / mega
*560.a play- natak- naatakam
*561.a dramatic performance- natak- nadikka
* natakiya- nadikan nar- neruppu
564.sound- nad- naatham; thoni ; letters are in reversed order.
565.rare- nadir- arithana ; letters are read in reversed order.
566.nail- nukhan –naka kann/ nail bed; nakam- nail.
*567.woman- nar- naari naranj- naarankkai
569.a tube- nal- naala
*570.a canal- nala- naalaa
*571.vein- nali- naalam
572.maternal grandmother- nani- annai yin annai / mother’s mother; annai- mothr.
573.boat-nao- naavaai
*574.articulation/ speech - nutq – nodikka
*575.a look/ glance /view - nigah- noakku
*576.reed- nal- naanal
*577.small /tiny - nanna – nunniya
* nahr- naar
*579.water- nir- neer
*580.gain- wara-varavu
581.coming- warld- veruthal ; letters are jumbled.
* of river- wadi- oaadai
*583.bidding farewell- wida- vidai thaa
*584.knowledge- widdya- viththu
585.approachng- wurud- varuthu
586.home- watan-veedu hat- kadai; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*588.fight/ war - yuddh – adu
589.strength/ courage- yara –uram
*590.ruin/destruction - halaki - azhikka/ to destroy
*591.plough- hal- uzhu
592.stammerer- total- naa thattuthar / stammering; naa- tongue.